Wednesday 29 December 2010

Storyboarding for Opening of "Take My Scars"

Now that our group are into the pre-production stage of film creation, our group have storyboarded the opening 2 minutes to our film "Take My Scars". These storyboards include all shots that will be filmed in the feature length presentation. Now that the storyboards have been created, casting and locations will now begin to be found in order to bring "Take My Scars" to life. A more detailed look at each shot in the storyboard has been posted during February 2011.

Pitching For Horror Film

Having recently completed the Preliminary Task, our group and I thought-showered ideas for our horror movie. The group had to come up with an idea that would be used for a whole feature length horror movie, and pitch it to the Chief Executive Officer of another 'production company' (Henton Horror Films).
Our group came up with the concept of our feature length movie, with the working title, "Take My Scars". Our film idea was pitched, including basic storyline details, and was accepted and our group have now entered the pre-production process of film making, with a budget of whatever our group are willing to spend. Now our group must find locations and storyboard and film footage for the opening 2 minutes of "Take My Scars".

Wednesday 13 October 2010

Finished Product of Prelim Task

After editing the footage with sounds and titles, our group's final product (video) was shown to our class teacher and has now been completed and our group's empitus can now be switched to looking towards our horror movie

Preliminary Task Filming

Having filmed all the footage required for the Preliminary Task, my group and I downloaded and edited the camera footage during the next 2 lessons. By using the Mac Computers, my group and I added sound and titles on top of the edited footage using Final Cut Express.

Sunday 10 October 2010

Wrong Turn

During my last lesson, my class and I watched the opening to the 2003 horror film Wrong Turn. Whilst watching the film's opening we made notes about the use of visual and audio elements to help create a feeling of tension, suspense and fear.

Particular attention was paid to what camera angles were used during the opening. These included many establishing shots, along side crane shots, used to reitterate to the audience that the protaganists are isolated and are defensless to antaganists. This was very useful to setting the scene when my group and I come to film our horror opening in our foundation portfolio.

9th October '10

Sunday 3 October 2010


Now that I have been shown how to use the cameras, my group and I went out during our lesson and filmed our preliminary task, as previously mentioned. After filming, I was shown how to download the footage off the camera onto the Macs using the iMovie program.

To make sure that the filming for the preliminary task was exactly how to the group intended, we went and refilmed the footage, and then downloaded it, ready for the editing that will take place within the next couple of weeks.

Tuesday 28 September 2010

...One Month On....

Last Updated - 29th September 2010

Having set up accounts and got into my group. I was then given a demonstration on how to use the camera as both for both recording and photography uses, as well as how they attached and adjust onto the tripods. Following this, my group and I then came up with 10 basic camera shots and angles along with a couple of lines of dialogue in a storyboard for what will be used in the preliminary task.

With the storyboard in place, I was shown how to get to grips with Mac Computers, which will be used for editing. I was shown how to navigate them and then demonstrated how to use the Final Cut Express program and used previous footage to understand the basic concept of the programme. Following that, I was then shown how to upload video footage from the camera to the Mac, which will be vital in the future. As well as being shown how to edit transitions and effects between frames.

Finally, my group and I used the school's camera and started to film some basic shots from the storyboard, later to be refilmed for the preliminary task. My group and I also used a separate camera to film a 'behind the scenes' look, and to also capture the bloopers made whilst filming.

Lessons in between filming include the introduction of looking into horror films and what is usually included in them, and each member of my class were assigned with 1 horror film to make a PowerPoint about, which will soon be uploaded onto this blog.

More to follow in due course

Monday 13 September 2010

The Beginning of the Future of AS Level Media Studies at KBA

I was in an optimistic mood when starting my Media Studies AS Level course at Kettering Buccleuch Academy, but I have settled in and knuckled down now that I am into the bulk of my work.
Initially, I was shown how to set up this blog, which involved changing the design, adding news headlines via RSS and adding other additional gadgets this was followed by an introduction of what the course would involve. Secondly, I was given a demonstration of the use of my school email account and how to keep in touch electronically with my teacher with information in relation to Media Studies. Then a demonstration on how to create an account on Slideshare and put PowerPoints into my blog posts followed. Finally, I got into a group with two of my classmates, in which I will be creating my movie and given an introduction into using the camera and what shots were useful to filming my movie.

More to follow in due course